The Pirate Ship and the Houseboat

The Dive Park at Beaver Lake has some wrecks including one called “The Pirate Ship” and a double decker houseboat. I saw the Pirate Ship with my friend Austin but not the houseboat. My son and I headed off to Beaver Lake to explore a bit. Dam Site Lake Campground/Park is open from April 1st…… Continue reading The Pirate Ship and the Houseboat

Be Prepared! Diving First Aid

Diving first aid is similar to normal first aid with a few differences. The most important difference is that a diver learning first aid must include the training to administer oxygen. Why? 100% oxygen on the surface is the universal treatment for decompression sickness. Anything higher than an Open Water Diver certification requires a class…… Continue reading Be Prepared! Diving First Aid

Underwater Joy and Wonder into Better Health

Scuba diving is a physical activity with a lot of potential dangers. You have to meet a certain level of physical fitness to do it and to do it safely. Any reputable dive shop is going to require an updated health form before they’ll allow you to take a class or go on a trip.…… Continue reading Underwater Joy and Wonder into Better Health