Master Navigation at Joe Bald Park: A Cleanup Event Guide

Cleanup crew at Joe Bald Park

H2Ozarks, a non-profit focused on water quality in the upper White River Basin, runs annual shoreline cleanup events in Missouri and Arkansas. This year, a team from Diventures in Springfield joined the 2024 Missouri Shoreline Cleanup. We focused on the water around Joe Bald Park on Table Rock Lake. Dive Buddy One of the best…… Continue reading Master Navigation at Joe Bald Park: A Cleanup Event Guide

Table Rock Lake, The General, and the Enchanted Forest

I had a three-day weekend and wanted to get two dives in. There was a cleanup dive planned for Sunday, but I had Friday morning free, so I scheduled to go on the charter with Indian Point Dive Center. Friday’s weather was a little rough with a possibility of it being worse so that got…… Continue reading Table Rock Lake, The General, and the Enchanted Forest

Beaver Lake Dive Park – the Great New Look

I think I’m getting obsessed. It’s been two weeks since my last dive and I feel like I’m in withdrawal. I’ve spent time in the pool both at Diventures practicing diving skills and swimming at our local community center but it’s just not the same. This weekend, a friend of mine was able to work…… Continue reading Beaver Lake Dive Park – the Great New Look

Open Water Diver Class, The Finale

I want to be able to say that the rest of the class was mostly uneventful but that’s not true. The class was good, and I learned a lot, but I also had some complications. Practicing Skills The rest of the class was all in the pool. The pool exercises were supposed to be Saturday…… Continue reading Open Water Diver Class, The Finale

Open Water Diver Class, Act Two

After the fitness tests, we learned how to set up the tank, buoyancy compensator, regulator, and weights. Each of these takes some explaining and I’m going to go through that, so you’ll know what to expect. Tanks The standard scuba diving tank is 80 cubic feet. It’s a cylinder that’s around 7.25 inches in diameter…… Continue reading Open Water Diver Class, Act Two